Poster design – "Liberation Theology and the other(s)"
Contextualising Catholic Activism in the 20th century in Latin America
Poster design for the International Conference: "Liberation Theology and the other(s)" offered by the Institute of History at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Poster concept
The poster visualises the debate of the conference with the juxtaposition of classic and colorful catholic stained glass windows, on top of a historical image, which features an indigenous man attending the catholic festivities at Calca, Peru in 1979.
The poster’s typography and layout was designed with a strong contemporary style in mind, in order to reinforce the contrast in styles against the stained glass windows, providing a modern angle to the debates concerning the contrasts from the past.
A4 Poster and A2 bifold.
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To learn more about this very interesting topic go to the conference site at: